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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I thrive on creating art that conveys a feeling and message to engage with people on a personal and relatable level.  As a retired graphic designer, I am reestablishing a presence within the art community by creating original pieces that are the heart of my greatest love - art!
       My motto is, “The creative adult has the curiosity and wonder of a child still within.” I have that same curiosity today. 
       I have a Fine Arts degree that includes studying at The Philadelphia College of Art, and Wilkes University. Additionally, I earned a Web Master’s Certificate from Penn State. I am currently working on charcoal drawing, pastel drawing, and oil painting. Follow along and watch my progress!

"The creative adult has an inner child's curiosity, wonder and thirst for learning that has survived."

©2025 by Lois (Enama) Pluskey

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